Consolidate and build on grammar acquired at KS2 with this worksheet on concrete and abstract nouns. Includes explanation, exercises and practice.
Can be used as self-study or in class.
Build on and consolidate KS3 grammar with this worksheet on imperatives. Includes explanation, exercises and answers.
Can be used for homework or used in class.
Build on and consolidate primary grammar knowledge with explanation and exercises.
Worksheet with answers. Can be used as self-study or in class.
Learn the difference between state and action verbs and complete activities.
Build upon and extend on grammatical knowledge acquired at KS3 with this worksheet on modal verbs. Includes explanation, exercises (incorporating quotes from AQA English Literature GCSE texts) and answers,
Can be used for self-study or in class.
Consolidate and build on grammar acquired at KS2 with this worksheet on the verb to be. Activities include identifying verb to be in literary quotes and an introduction to simple and progressive tenses, Includes explanation, practice and answers. Can be used for self-study or in class.
Help students consolidate and build on KS2 grammar by learning more about the different types of adverb with this worksheet. Explanation and exercises.
This resource is suitable for self-study (set as homework) or to use in classroom.
Build on and consolidate grammar acquired at KS2 with this worksheet on comparative adjectives. Includes explanation, practice and answers.
Can be used for self-study or in class.
Build and consolidate grammar knowledge acquired at KS2 with this worksheet on superlatives. Includes explanation and exercises.
Can be used for self-study or in the classroom.
Explanation and exercises on adverbs of manner. Build on and consolidate the grammar pupils learn at Key Stage 2. Can be used as self-study or in the classroom.
Class materials to help students analyse the grammar in a passage of Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The focus of this lesson is the use of indefinite pronouns to create a sense of mystery. The lesson also includes a creative writing task inspired by this extract.
Teachers’ notes in the ‘notes’ section,
A powerpoint with 10 starters/short activities for use in the FE and/or sixth form classroom. These tasks have been designed as standalone activities so are perfect for form time or tutor group. However, they could be equally successful as standalone activities in a range of subjects.
Each slide has a task, with answers and teacher’s notes on the following slide.
The first activity is an introduction to the importance of literacy. The file is a PowerPoint and therefore fully editable to meet your requirements.